Friday, June 25, 2010

Thrifty sources for beautiful home decor

I don't have a lot of money, but I haven't let that stop me from decorating my home! There's a wealth of decor just lurking in places you may not have considered before.

Thrift stores:
The best thing about thrift stores is that the inventory is always changing. I have spent all day thrifting and not found a single thing. Then I've popped back in a few days later and found tons of great items! I've found items from Pottery Barn, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, fine furniture stores and department stores. Many in new or perfect condition. It's not uncommon to find items new with tags here!

Garage sales:
Almost as good as thrift stores except requires a little more legwork. Map your day out and make sure you start early!! Bring cash and never be afraid to offer lower. There's a few items I make sure to have with me with I shop the yard sales:
Mocha Frappucinos!
A healthy snack like trail mix, or a fiber bar.
and best of all, a BFF who loves hitting those sales as much as you do!

I never pay full price. Ever. If its not on clearance, or I don't have a coupon, it stays on the shelf. I cannot bring myself to pay full price for anything anymore. It's a sickness.
That being said, here's a few of my fave retail shopping spots.
Hobby Lobby
Home Goods
TJ max
Dollar Tree (yes you read that right)

One of the best suggestions I can tell you for affordable home decor, is to find something you love in a catalog, or retail store and try to replicate for a fraction of the cost.
For example, the picture below is taken from Pottery Barn's site.
Here is how you replicate it for a fraction of the cost!
The large frame is 149.00$ at Pottery Barn. Large: 36" wide x 48" high

Every time I go to my local thrift stores there are huge picture frames. Most in perfect condition with hideous artwork! Ignore that magenta parrot and pay the 9.99 price tag and take that huge frame home.

The best thing about this project is you don't even need to dismantle the frame and remove the art work! So easy!

First tape off the frame using newspaper and painters tape. There are a few brands of spray paint that sell a chalk board spray. You can find it Lowes, Home Depot, and Walmart for less than 10$.

Evenly coat the glass with the chalk board spray and let each coat dry. When you think you have a nice thick even finish you can move on to the next step. (make sure the chalk board is dry first)

Now cover the glass that you have now spray painted with chalkboard paint with newspaper and tape it securely down with painters tape. Leaving only the frame exposed. Now grab your Krylon spray paint and head back outside. On the Pottery Barn site the frame is black, but you can do any color that will compliment your decor. Popular colors are distressed white, satin black, aqua, and red.

Spray the frame and allow it to dry and tada! Project replicated for less than 20$. Request catalogs to those stores you love, take your time and you can reproduce similar looks for a fraction of the price!

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